Sea Glass Articles
In this section you will find a directory of sea glass and beach glass articles that can be read online.

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The Godfather of Sea Glass
Few sea glass collectors DON'T recognize the name of Richard LaMotte. As the author of Pure Sea Glass: Discovering Nature's Vanishing Gems, LaMotte is a nationally recognized authority on sea glass. His book is now in its 5th printing, and he is routinely interviewed by national media including Coastal Living magazine.

Go See Sea Glass by the Lakeshore
One bright fall morning last year, my daughters and I stood in a long line at the North American Sea Glass Festival in Lewes, Del., our precious find clutched in my hands. We had zipped through the display rooms to the outdoor tent where collectors were already waiting, holding plastic baggies of colorful glass.

Collectors Celebrate Sea Glass at Festival
In the eyes of some people, shards of sea glass that can be found on any beach are of no value and to be ignored, but to others with a more romantic soul they are mermaid tears that can be made into something beautiful.