Sea Glass Books & Magazines
In this section you will find a directory of books about sea glass and beachcombing in general that can be purchased online.

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Pure Sea Glass
Detailed explanations of the unique weathering process and extensive research into the sources of glass that create these stone-like sea glass gems from fragile shards, and how and where to find the best pieces. Exquisite photography of Celia Pearson brings to light the sheer beauty of these sea glass treasures.

Sea Glass Hunter's Handbook
In her latest book Carole Lambert describes her subject as "fragments of indeterminate glass and ceramic objects that have been in oceans or rivers for incalculable amounts of time and have taken on the scars of their untold voyages." Part art and part history, these frosted fragments are each one-of-a-kind and have the power to evoke precious time spent on the shore and a mysterious connection to the past.

Sea Glass: A Photographic Journey
A 48 page hardcover book written and photographed by Christeena Hockin-Minopetros that will fascinate you with the beautiful photos and quotes from sea glass collectors from around the world. .

Sea Glass Chronicles
Reveals the often overlooked treasures that roll up on beaches worldwide. From glass shards, which resemble sapphires, emeralds, rubies, and diamonds to ceramic fragments, which depict miniature pastoral scenes to tiny porcelain faces, legs, and other early doll parts this book offers the reader an unforgettable day at the beach. Extraordinary photographs illustrate this well researched, beautifully written account of a unique perspective of civilization. Photography by Pat Hanbery.

A Passion for Sea Glass
Lambert explores what sea glass collectors from around the world create with their collections. Photography by Amy Wilton.

Glass Beach A Sea Glass Lover's Paradise
This book is a compilation of the fascinating history and the jeweled yet fragile present, of a beach located in Fort Bragg, California, called Glass Beach a haven for sea glass collectors everywhere.

A Beachcomber's Odyssey, Vol. I: Treasures from a Collected Past
Awarded the Independent Publishers gold medal for Collecting/Hobby Book of 2009. This is a beach book like no other. 19 Beaches. 19 Life Lessons. 19 Beach Treasures. 34 amazing full color photos of sea glass and fossils, shells, ceramic shards, driftwood, Asian floats and more.... With end quotes by Shannon Brownlee and Richard LaMotte, this first beachlog by Dr. Beachcomb offers up treasures for the pocket, the spirit and the soul.

Washed Up: The Curious Journeys of Flotsam and Jetsam
Where does it all come from? From tennis shoes, gold doubloons, and rubber ducks to ambergris, seedpods, and dead whales, the ocean gives up many curious prizes. In Washed Up, author Skye Moody walks the coast, dons her wet suit, and heads out to sea to understand the mysterious debris that accrues along the tide line.

Out of the Ocean
Out of the Ocean is Frasier's tribute to growing up in the small seaside town of Vero Beach, Florida, where she and her family walked the edge of the Atlantic Ocean looking for treasures.

Sea Glass Secrets
For decades, Valerie Raudonis has walked ocean beaches collecting sea glass, wondering about their origins and what tales they could tell if only they would reveal themselves to her. In this, her first volume of poetry, the poet offers some revelations and provocative pieces for readers to discover their own Sea Glass Secrets.